She’s Mine: A Captive Romance Page 4
Our staring competition stretched the seconds and continued beyond that. His brows lifted with amusement and he dropped his hands, letting his fingers tap a rhythm on his leg. When the silence stretched to minutes, it was he who cracked.
Score one for Team Raven.
One moment he was leaning back in his chair, drumming out a beat with his fingers. In a blink of an eye, he leaned forward and pressed his hands against his knees. I wasn’t prepared for the sudden movement and gasped.
“Very well, slave,” he said through gritted teeth. “I will spell out the rules of your new life.”
I didn’t want to hear his version of my new life. His gaze terrified me, but I forced myself to look directly into his Caribbean blues, another time, another place, different circumstances, and I would be entranced by this man. Now, I found myself repulsed, mostly.
The volume of his voice increased. “Eyes. Down.”
His command had me obeying without thought. My gaze dropped to his kneecaps. Tension corded in the backs of his hands, ligaments stood out in relief. His nails showed signs of work, with dirt under the nail beds. When he turned his hands, callouses lined his palms. This man didn’t shy away from hard work.
Then, I realized what he had done. How I had reacted, and shame heated my face. I dragged my gaze up his body, determined to meet the steel in his eyes. I couldn’t believe I caved so easily to his command. My entire body shook in the potency of his presence.
His exquisitely tailored suit allowed him freedom of movement without binding the breadth of his shoulders. A pulse lifted in his neck and disappeared into the soft tissues at the angle of his jaw. Stubble covered the expanse of his square jaw. He was older than me, young thirties, but was not an old man as I had imagined during my trip. How had such a young man amassed such great wealth? But I knew the answer to that question. I breathed in his power and felt myself caving to his control.
I lifted my gaze beyond the curve of his lips and dragged it the last few inches to meet the challenge of his eyes. The power swirling in their depths made me cringe. I couldn’t fight this, but I would try. I didn’t care what arrangement he and Z had made. I was slave to no one.
I stuck out my chin and glared at him. I couldn’t afford to have him intimidate me. This first meeting had to be between equals. It would set the tone of everything that came after. I wouldn’t allow his wealth to influence me. I had grown up around wealth. Maybe not as much as this man seemed to control, but I could hold my own. I didn’t care that he was well dressed, tall, attractive, or acted like he expected everyone around him to obey his every command. I had not agreed to any of this.
He held my gaze, never broke eye contact, and we waged another battle of wills. He leaned fractionally forward. I gulped, but held my ground.
The man could move. He flowed with an indomitable force, exuding power and masculinity without effort. Hell, he moved like sex, dangerous if you weren’t paying attention, and I was watching his every move. Still, his erotic power washed over me, and despite myself, a growing part of me wondered what his hands would feel like on my skin.
He had yet to touch me. The only contact we’d shared had been through the thick layers of my Velcro restraints and the whisper of his breath against my ear. For a man who bought himself a slave, why hadn’t he touched me yet? Why did I care? I didn’t want that, right?
My heart raced with each pull of his breath, trying to figure out what sick pleasures a man like him had that would require a slave. A man with wealth and power could surely have his choice in women. I knew this, because I had orbited in those circles, much to Z's dismay. What sick pleasures did Master Xavier indulge in that he couldn’t find normal, willing women to join him?
His jaw clenched. A fractional nod followed. “The question you’re not asking, but should, is what will I do to you if you don’t obey?”
“I have no intention of obeying you, so it doesn’t really matter what you will or will not do to me.”
I countered as best I could. There were so many possibilities. I wasn’t sure how strong I could be if I knew those answers. The intensity in his eyes increased, establishing a connection deep within me. A magnetic pull swirled, intensified, and amplified unwanted sensations.
My heartbeat slowed and I felt myself calm. The tremors stopped. My breathing normalized as it fell into sync with the rhythm of his breath. Somehow, he was soothing me, controlling my body as I fell into a trance in his presence.
Emotions flashed across his face. Interest dominated the parade of emotions. I presented more of a challenge than he anticipated. Did no one ever tell this man no? Annoyance flashed for an instant, but didn’t linger. Irritation landed and flickered in his eyes, but then it morphed into an emotion even more terrifying. He blinked, and his eyes darkened into a smoldering flare of arousal until it erupted into an open conflagration of pure lust. My pulse jumped and broke the connection between us. I turned my attention to the rows and rows of books, moving anywhere and everywhere except to the man sitting in front of me. My pulse slammed in my throat, speeding past and through panic, because I saw his intent. He wanted me.
And I couldn’t avoid him. His hand whipped out and gripped my chin, pressed my head to the back of the chair. Hot breath coursed over my face as he bore down on me, the scent of spice and musk, and a rich aroma all deliciously male captured my lips.
So many thoughts collided as his lips trapped mine beneath his. I wanted to scream and push him away. But he stole my breath, and my wrists were bound. His lips glided across mine, his tongue tracing the seams of my lips, exploring the cleft of my mouth, but he didn’t force his way inside. The grip on my chin released and disappeared. He pulled at my lower lip, tugging it between his teeth. A groan escaped him.
I should fight his intrusion, but I didn’t struggle. I held perfectly still while he kissed me, sucking and pulling at my lips. His tongue darted and pressed, licked along the contours of my mouth, and still I didn’t react. His lips were smooth, supple, and talented. They destroyed me, because I wanted more.
He touched my cheek and traced the lines of my dried tears. He ran the pad of his thumb along my jawline as he deepened his gentle kiss. I had expected vileness. In the end, it was the tenderness of his kiss which broke me.
Shuddering sobs wracked my body as his lips brushed against mine. He could have forced my mouth open, penetrated my defenses and invaded my body, but his fingers stroked at my cheek and wiped away my tears.
The kiss stopped, leaving the incredible flavor of him behind. Why did he have to taste so good? And why did his kiss make me want to open up to him? What the hell was wrong with me?
He kissed my cheeks, no doubt tasting the saltiness of my tears, then he released me. The cushion of air and distance settled between us once more as he retook his seat.
“There are a few truths you must accept.” Master Xavier reached into an inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out a velvet pouch.
My sobs continued. His kiss had ruined me.
“You are my slave. You cannot escape, although you will try. Don’t think you can resist me. You’ll lose. You’ll not only learn my rules, but you’ll embrace and obey them. Failure to do so will be met with consequence.” He stood and stared down at me.
I blinked against the upwelling of my tears. I saw him, all of him. My gaze dipped down and met the prominent bulge behind the zipper of his pants. He reached down and adjusted himself, knowing full well I watched his every move.
“These are the foundations of your new life, slave, and it’s essential you understand them.” He took a step forward and I flinched as he moved toward me. He pulled something shiny out of the pouch, something flat and circular, and wrapped it around my neck. The cold bite of metal stung my flesh and then disappeared as my skin warmed the chain. His deft fingers worked quickly.
I heard the unmistakable sound of a latch or lock closing. A cold weight settled around my neck, resting on my collar bone. He moved to the side and worked wit
h quick efficiency.
“You’re exhausted from your flight.” He attached a flat platinum band around my wrist. It had three rings attached to it. “We’ll discuss the rules after you have rested.” Another snick and the seam of the band disappeared before my eyes. He moved to my other wrist and repeated the process. “Your handlers will be back in a moment to show you to your room. You will obey them in all things.”
I couldn’t let it end this way. I tasted the salt of my tears and the lingering flavor of him. “You’re a monster, a sadistic, misogynistic, rapist who buys women. You’re nothing.”
He regarded me with lust simmering in his eyes. “I am many things, but I’m not a misogynist nor a rapist. I love everything there is about women. I will place you on a pedestal and worship you as long as you obey my rules. You were payment for debts owed. I did not kidnap you, nor did I buy you.”
He left me there, strapped to a chair, to replay our first conversation in my head. The taste of him lingered on my lips. Our first kiss. There would be others. I was certain of that. Despite what he said about not being a rapist, his erection decried his interest. Lust had blazed in those eyes. In what twisted world did that not make him a rapist? I replayed his last words, what he denied, and what he admitted by omission. My inner veneer began to crack, because I was no match for this man.
Chapter Six
I sat alone with my thoughts for another ten or twenty minutes. A clock ticked out the seconds behind me, an ominous reminder of my fate. Tears spilled down my cheeks. Frustration and anger filled my being, because I had yet to do anything to better my situation. Each moment brought me further into his world and further from freedom.
I was in his home, with a collar around my neck and silver chains around my wrists. His taste lingered on my lips, dark and sultry, and filled with a promise I couldn’t ignore. But that wasn’t the worst of it. Heat flowed to my core with the memory of his lips against mine.
Was I sick in the head because I found my captor attractive?
I wasn’t going to think about it. Before I could delve too far into the darkness of my thoughts, the doors to the library opened.
A smiling Bay and Chad entered. Chad had his arm wrapped around Bay’s shoulders and his head leaned close as he whispered into Bay’s ear. It was the first time I had a chance to really look at the men. All I remembered from before was the steel-blue in Chad’s eyes. The rest I had built up in my imagination from my sense of smell, sound, and what I had felt.
They were built like linebackers, solid twin walls of muscles. Chad had a smiling face that fit his sarcastic wit. His eyes softened as he glanced at me and he released Bay’s shoulder. Bay looked like the stereotypical boy next door; sandy brown hair, freckles dusting his face, and dark chocolate brown eyes. An easy looking man, a match to his easy personality. If they hadn’t been a part of my kidnapping, I could easily see myself being friends with both these men. Bay reached into his trousers pocket and pulled out a pack of spearmint gum. He popped a stick into his mouth, offering a stick to Chad who refused.
“How did it go, kitten?” Chad crouched down in front of me, getting eye level.
“How did you expect it to go?” My brows pinched together.
“Hey, fly’s open man. Zip it.” Chad’s mouth twisted and he glanced at Bay’s crotch.
A flush crept through Bay’s freckles as he glanced at me. He turned away and zipped up.
“I was hoping it went well,” Chad said. “Master Xavier told us to settle you in your room. I just assumed…”
“You assumed wrong.” I wanted to bite his head off.
“Sorry, kitten.” Chad undid the Velcro at my wrists. Suddenly, he stopped and regarded me with a hard stare. “I’m going to release your restraints. Bay and I are going to lead you out to your room. It’s up to you whether you choose to fight us or come along quietly.”
“And if I don’t cooperate?”
Bay put a hand on my shoulder. “We’re here to help you. Think of us as your handlers.”
“You mean guards.”
Chad placed his hands on my thighs and squeezed them gently. “You can think of it like that, but we’re more like bodyguards. We’re here to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
“How would I hurt myself?”
Bay straightened out my ponytail. “By trying to run, for one thing. We can’t allow that, and we’re obligated to stop you. I don’t want to point out the obvious, but we’re bigger than you.”
It was obvious, and they’d already succeeded in restraining me, but the three of us knew I was going to run at some point.
“This is a GPS tracking device. You can try to run, but we’re going to find you.” Chad tapped the device strapped to my ankle.
“Not if I take it off.”
“You can try.” Bay tilted my chin and regarded me with warm brown eyes. “Don’t try, little one.”
Chad ripped the Velcro securing my right wrist. “Promise you aren’t going to hit me?” He pointed to his chin and the small bruise at the tip.
His grin was infectious and I smiled back despite my intentions to remain angry with these men. Bay released my other wrist. As Chad went to free my feet, Bay snickered.
“Did you remember to put your cup on? She has a wicked kick.”
“She didn’t kick me that hard.” Chad stopped what he was doing. He stepped to the side and gestured to the floor.
“Then what was all that moaning about?” Bay arched a brow and crossed his arms.
Chad cupped his balls and rolled his eyes. “I managed just fine in the end, but how about you release her.”
“Chicken.” Bay stooped down and released the Velcro fastening my legs to the chair.
I rubbed at my wrists, amazed at the freedom of not being bound. It had become a constant in my life, but I had two new constants. Twin platinum bands encircled my wrists. I examined the seamless metal. There were no locking mechanisms. I felt around the band around my neck. Just like my wrists, sturdy rings dangled from the collar. I didn’t want to think about what those rings would be used for. Xavier had a thing for restraints. What else might he have a thing for?
Bay reached out. “Come, little one.” He helped me out of the chair.
Sight had been returned, as well as the freedom of my hands, but bracketed by my buddies, I never felt so caged. Chad stood on one side while Bay took the other. They led me out of the library and I saw the rest of the house for the first time.
The plantation style mansion was full of white lines, white linen, white plantation shutters, and antique leaded glass. The shutters opened to an expansive lawn full of palm trees and exotic gardens. A long driveway ended in a circular drive. Chad and Bay led me past one set of open windows and down what seemed to be a series of endless corridors. I’d been in many large estates in my life, but the size of Xavier’s home put those to shame.
My guards took me to a set of twirling staircases ascending three stories in an inner atrium with a majestic landing between the second and third floors. Floral paintings and jungle motifs decorated the walls and sculpted wooden art soared in the spaces between. We ascended in silence, and I didn’t try to run.
They stopped outside a plain, white door, unremarkable in every detail. I steeled myself against what I was to find inside. What sort of quarters did a slave rank? At least Xavier wasn’t housing me in a dungeon, or inside a cage. Or worse, I wasn’t being forced to share his room.
For whatever reason, he had given me a place of my own. I didn’t know what that implied, or what message he was trying to send, only that I was thankful to have a sliver of something private. Chad told me my right to privacy was gone, but this implied something different.
I opened the door and stopped. The room was stark and bare. In the center, crisp white linen sheets spread across a four-poster bed. Attached to the posts, four heavy rings hung empty, but filled with promise. I glanced at the rings dangling from my bracelets—cuffs—and cringed at the implication. There was
a wardrobe, a dresser, a small closet, and shelves bare of adornment. A doorway opened off to the far left.
Oddly, there was a twin bed in the room as well. It was tucked into the far-right corner in an unobtrusive spot. Next to it were four metal lockers, with combination locks hanging from their latches. Initials were engraved in the metal: B, C, M, and E.
I looked to Bay and Chad. They joined me in the room.
“This is your room, little one.” Bay shut the door behind him, locking it by tapping a code into a key pad.
I ground my teeth together. “My name is Raven.”
Chad shook his head. “Your name is slave until Master Xavier says otherwise. We have been given permission to call you what we wish, but your previous name no longer exists.”
“Who is that for?” I pointed to the twin bed.
“One of us will always be with you,” Chad explained. “We’ll watch over you in shifts. That way if you need anything, we’ll be there to serve you.”
Serve me? What the hell? They acted like they were at my beck and call, when they were anything but.
“Who is E?”
Bay laughed. “That’s Ben’s middle initial. Couldn’t have two B’s. He lost the coin flip.”
“Why did you lock the door?”
Chad leveled his steel-blue eyes at me as if I’d asked the dumbest question. “Kitten, when you’re in your room you’ll always be locked in with one of us.”
“What if there’s a fire?” I tried to reason with them.
Chad shook his head. “We’ll get you out.”
“What if you’re incapacitated?”
“Kitten, stop,” Chad said. “Master Xavier’s orders are for you to wash up. While an amazing beauty, a day’s worth of travel has done a number on you.”
A queasiness settled in my gut. I could be anywhere in the world. My escape plans, non-existent as they were, became even more impossible.
“First, a long hot shower, then we’ll put you to bed.” Chad ushered me toward the doorway on the left.