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Hearts Divided
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Hearts Divided
an Angel Fire Rock Romance
Ellie Masters
JEM Publishing
an Angel Fire Rock Romance
by: Ellie Masters
Click here to visit Ellie’s Website (www.elliemasters.com) where you can view excerpts, teasers, and links to her other books.
Copyright © 2018 Ellie Masters
HEARTS DIVIDED: an Angel Fire Rock Romance
All rights reserved.
This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this print book ONLY. No part of this print book may be reproduced, scanned, transmitted, or distributed in any printed, mechanical, or electronic form without prior written permission from Ellie Masters or JEM Publishing except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.
Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.
Editor: Erin Toland
Cover Artist: Ellie Masters
Interior Design/Formatting: Ellie Masters
Published in the United States of America
JEM Publishing
This is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, businesses, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
* * *
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This book is dedicated to my one and only—my amazing and wonderful husband.
Without your care and support, my writing would not have made it this far. You make me whole every day. I love you “that much.” For the rest of you, that means from the beginning to the end and every point in between. Thank you, my dearest love, my heart and soul, for putting up with me, for believing in me, and for loving me.
My husband deserves a special gold star for listening to me obsess over this book and for never once complaining while I brought these characters from my mind to the page.
You pushed me when I needed to be pushed. You supported me when I felt discouraged. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. If it weren’t for you, this book never would have come to life.
Also by Ellie Masters
1. Bash
2. Bash
3. Holly
4. Bash
5. Bash
6. Holly
7. Bash
8. Bash
9. Holly
10. Bash
11. Bash
12. Holly
13. Bash
14. Bash
15. Holly
16. Bash
17. Bash
18. Holly
19. Bash
20. Bash
21. Holly
22. Bash
23. Bash
24. Holly
25. Bash
26. Bash
27. Holly
28. Bash
29. Bash
30. Holly
31. Bash
32. Bash
33. Bash
34. Holly
35. Bash
36. Bash
37. Bash
38. Holly
39. Bash
40. Bash
41. Bash
42. Bash
43. Bash
44. Holly
45. Holly
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Also by Ellie Masters
About the Author
Connect with Ellie Masters
Final Thoughts
Also by Ellie Masters
Sign up to Ellie’s Newsletter and get a free gift. https://elliemasters.com/FreeBook
The Angel Fire Rock Romance Series
each book in this series can be read as a standalone and is about a different couple with an HEA.
Ashes to New (prequel)
Heart’s Insanity (book 1)
Heart’s Desire (book 2)
Heart’s Collide (book 3)
Hearts Divided (book 4)
Romantic Suspense
Reap What You Sow
Twist of Fate
The Starling
Changing Roles Series:
Book 1: Command
Book 2: Control
Book 3: Collar
Off Duty
Down the Rabbit Hole
Becoming His Series
Book 1: The Ballet
Book 2: Learning to Breathe
Book 3: Becoming His
Sweet Contemporary Romance
Finding Peace
Science Fiction
Ellie Masters writing as L.A. Warren
Vendel Rising: a Science Fiction Serialized Novel
(January 2019)
To My Readers
This book is a work of fiction. It does not exist in the real world and should not be construed as reality. As in most romantic fiction, I’ve taken liberties. I’ve compressed the romance into a sliver of time. I’ve allowed these characters to develop strong bonds of trust over a matter of days. This does not happen in real life where you, my amazing readers, live. Take more time in your romance and learn who you’re giving a piece of your heart to. I urge you to move with caution. Always protect yourself.
When you find your partner, talk to him or her. Be open and honest about your needs, your expectations, and your limits, especially if you have any triggers. Share your hopes, desires, and deepest, darkest secrets. Most of all, don’t be afraid to seek out who you are, become what you want, and share your journey with your partner.
Playing to sold out stadium crowds might seem an epic experience to the uninitiated, but Bash knows better. He’ll take an evening alone with his drums any day. There’s no crowd, no fans, and no screaming sea of humanity devouring every last piece of him.
Alone with his music, sticks in hand, he finds nirvana in the tumultuous beat. There’s also a redhead bobbing between his knees.
He’s creating Angel Fire’s next hit song while she goes to town sucking his dick with all the subtlety and skill of a vacuum cleaner. As bad as her oral skills might be, it’ll be enough to get him off. That’s all that matters, because the tension in his body needs release. He turns to his music, slamming the sticks on the drums, while she sucks.
Frayed nerves practically crawl out of his skin. They seek the frenzied beat he can’t lay down fast enough. Feverish music pours out of him, a manic flood of sensation, turbulent and wild, demanding an outlet. Heart pulsing in time with the beat, music pumps through his veins.
His dick aches. His balls are tight. Release escapes him. He glances down at the redhead, glad that he doesn’t know her name. It makes it easier to pretend she’s someone else.
As he bleeds emotional fury into the music, his legs bounce and his foot pounds the pedal of the bass drum. His hips thrust r
hythmically as an avalanche of sound slams against the walls of Angel Fire’s private sound studio. His balls tighten with his impending release. He’s close. Close to piecing together the bones of this song raging inside of him.
The tempo climbs to a crescendo, full of violence, agitation, and spinning with the feverish hysteria swirling inside of him. He’s wild and free, overflowing with energy as a tingling sensation races down his spine. All that energy gathers in his balls, sparking with uninhibited power as it seeks release. He closes his eyes and keeps the pounding rhythm going. It’s the best way to pretend Valerie is between his legs instead of this nameless and forgettable fake.
The one he can never forget, Valerie haunts his dreams and makes his soul ache in the worst possible way. They might have fucked only once, but the memory of her hands, lips, and pussy are indelibly imprinted on his dick and will be for all time. Unlike Miss Vacuum Cleaner, Valerie knew how to get him off.
Eighteen years should dull the pain, but the harshness of her leaving him cuts as deep today as it did back then.
First love.
First kiss.
First fuck.
Valerie gave him his first, and only, broken heart. She was supposed to be his forever. Instead, she ripped out his heart, tore it to pieces, and left nothing behind except an empty husk.
Imagining Valerie between his legs, rather than this cheap copy, brings a furious roar as his release slams into him. The redhead gulps down his cum and takes one last drag of his dick before sitting back on her heels looking entirely too pleased. She looks at him with a cheeky grin, proud of her performance.
“How was that, rock star?” She makes a show of licking her blood red lips.
Not nearly enough to erase the memories.
With a push, he shoves her back, ignoring her surprised grunt as she falls on her ass. He fucked her into a screaming orgasm less than an hour ago. The greedy bitch rode his cock, screeched at the top of her lungs, and willingly sacrificed her flesh to feed his fury. She would do more if he demanded it. They always did. No matter how dirty, how kinky, or how fucked up the sex is, women lapped it up, eager to make memories of the night they fucked a legend.
He points to the door. “Time for you to go.”
“Go?” She smooths the expression on her face and licks her lips again.
She’ll take his verbal abuse because she wants a piece of him. They all do. Well, he gave her a story to share with her friends; she fucked a rock legend. That should be enough, but the gears churn in her muddy brown eyes when she meets his stony determination.
“Ah, baby…” Her fake lashes sweep over the arch of her cheeks as she looks up at him through a vibrant red fringe. It’s not her real hair color. Her brows and snatch are dark brown. They all try too hard.
“Time to go,” he insists with a wave of his hand.
Sex normally relaxes him, but he’s more spun up now than before he took her against the wall, fucked her on the floor, and bent her over the leather chair to pound into her from behind.
He’s not satisfied. He never is.
“It’s late,” she says and nuzzles against his thigh. “How about I spend the night and give you a wake-up call you’ll never forget? You can tie me up again…”
They always think he wants more than a quick fuck, but none ever stay the night. It’s his one and only rule.
Irritation brews in his gut and he’s not interested in being polite. “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”
Her eyes widen, but when she realizes he’s not going to budge, she’s up and moving. Indignation rolls across her face as she realizes he used her exactly as she allowed. The truth hurts.
“You suck!” Her screech brings no sympathy.
“That’s your job, and babe, you might want to work on your oral skills.”
“Why you…” Her back stiffens and her face turns red.
Whatever she’s about to say is lost on him. With a pivot, he turns toward a second door. This one will take him to the private areas of Insanity. The door she’s standing in front of opens, and Sam, one of their security detail, ushers the woman out. Sam says nothing. He’s used to taking out groupies after the guys are done with them. After Bash puts his junk back in his jeans, he zips up and goes in search of his best bud.
Ash and Skye should be back from visiting Ash’s parents in Santa Barbara. Bash laughs imagining how that went. Pop, Ash’s father, isn’t the easiest man to visit, not with his holier than thou judgement. As the semi-adopted next-door neighbor kid, he suffered many sermon-lectures about how young men should behave. Pop knows what Bash and Ash do with the groupies and doesn’t approve. Correction, Ash no longer indulges in the easy smorgasbord of eager female flesh. Ash has a wife now, with a kid on the way.
Bash slams his fists into the pockets of his jeans and mopes down the hall until something massive slams into him.
“What the fuck!” Bash staggers to the side.
“What’s up, dude? You’ve got your head in the clouds.” The low rumble of Forest’s voice fills the hall.
“Hey.” Bash pivots and leans against the wall.
“You look like your mind’s in another place.”
Forest gives a friendly bro’ punch that brings a wince to Bash’s face. He grimaces, unwilling to let Forest know how much that hurt.
“Is Ash back yet?” He sounds surlier than he intends.
“Did you call him?” Forest won’t answer outright. He likes playing stupid games.
“I’d call,” Bash says with a snarl, “but Ash ignores me. He’s got baby fever.”
Forest rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I don’t blame him. This pregnancy has been rough on Skye. Until that kid is born…”
Due to her history, Skye is what they call high risk. Something about internal scars from the abuse she endured growing up. Ash is tight-lipped about the whole thing, and Bash would never think to ask Skye, but something horrible happened to Forest and Skye when they were kids.
“I can’t believe Ash is going to be a dad.” Bash gives a low whistle. “I mean, it’s surreal, right? Ash a dad?”
“No shit!” Forest props his large frame against the opposite wall. “I can’t believe I’m going to be an uncle.”
“Me either.”
Uncle Bash?
That sounds wrong. A kid shouldn’t use his stage name, but Sebastian? Is Uncle Sebastian any better? He never liked that name growing up, it always felt too big for a boy, and he eagerly traded it in for Bash when things took off for Angel Fire. Besides, Bash is a better name for a drummer.
“Well, good for him.” Bash hunches his shoulders. Everything is changing—too fast—and he doesn’t like it.
“Good for them,” Forest corrects. “I can’t wait for Skye to pop out this kid. I’m on pins and needles, worried something is going to go wrong, and she’s shit to be around. She refuses to slow down. I swear, if I could tie her to a bed and keep her there, I’d do it. She’s supposed to be taking this last trimester easy.”
“I don’t think Skye knows the definition of easy.”
“Well, she won’t listen to me.” Forest kicks off the wall and pulls out his phone. “Hey, I’m calling a band meeting. I rearranged everything to local venues for the next couple months and shuffled the international portion of the tour around.”
“I missed the memo.”
“Check your damn phone.”
“How about you tell me when and where I need to be?”
“I did that in the text.”
It’s a battle of wills between them, but Bash isn’t folding. He refuses to check his phone and glares at Forest.
Forest’s ice-cold gaze measures him before he finally heaves a deep sigh. “Ash and Skye won’t be back until late tonight. So, we’ll meet at lunch tomorrow.”
“Got it.”
He needs some air.
What to do for the day? Bash thinks long and hard. He’s not interested in
hanging around Insanity for the rest of the day picking his nose. He needs new drumsticks, and while he can order them online, it means more when he buys them from small Mom & Pop music stores. With a day of nothingness stretching before him, he decides to make an event of it and knows the perfect person to take with him. He heads to Noodles’s suite and knocks on the door.
“Yo!” After a minute, the door flies open and Noodles waves him inside.
“Dude, you up for a drive?”
“Depends on the drive and the chicks on the other side. Whatcha thinking?”
“Old stomping grounds. I hear the surf’s up.”
“Surf’s always up.” Free-spirited, Noodles loves spontaneity.